I’m in Pittsburgh at the moment attending a 3-day work-related
conference. I’m staying in the Westin downtown, connected to the conference
center and it has been raining on and off since I arrived. I’ve never been to
Pittsburgh before and should be more interested in exploring the city when not
working, but instead I have been so thrilled to spend the time in my room
alone…doing whatever the fuck I want...reading blogs, writing, filling and
abandoning shopping on carts on Sephora.com, etc. Ya know, the shit one does when there’s no
laundry, no diapers, no dishes, no sex you should be having. That’s the best
part, there’s no guilt for what I think I could/should be doing. I’m just doing
whatever the selfish Ashley wants to do and it’s amazing.
Using the windowed sky bridge from the hotel to the
conference center has basically been my exposure to the outside. I don’t want
to hate on a city without giving it a chance, but it’s not so attractive, and
looks and feels like a large Waterbury, CT. If Jeff were here with me we would have
a great time exploring and finding it’s best hidden and exposed gems. But, I’m solo, just me, a glass of chardonnay
and complete wonderful solitude.
4th of July race, pre-rain |
Family life is fab, but last Friday we returned from a 9-day
family vacation, and by the end of it I really needed a vacation of my
own. Jeff and I don’t normally spend
that much concentrated time with our kids, and as interesting, funny and cute
as they are that’s a lot of “kid time” and lacks the structure to which we are
accustomed to and from which I thrive. I
was beginning to twitch by the end of it and was having a hard time finding the
cuteness and funniness of it all.
Our trip didn’t take off as swimmingly as I had
planned. The drive to my parents’ lake
cabin in East Haddam, CT was long and riddled with 4th of July traffic,
even though we did an impressive job of weaving through it using Google traffic
and Navigon, our go-to tools for car travel. In my mind, I envisioned us on the
highway shortly after lunch, just in time for naps and before the mass exodus
out of the city for the holiday weekend.
Bashan Lake beach |
Camper Kisses |
Unfortunately, Jeff’s last minute packing derailed that
dream. He has an unrealistic understanding of how long it takes him to pack. He
only packs for himself, which also includes being able to support any technical
malfunction/need that might occur within a 25-mile radius, i.e. Various cables,
wires, speakers, chargers and adapters. I fear we would never cross the apartment
threshold if I added anything else to his plate. Unlike, my laidback extended family members,
who throw a few essentials in a plastic grocery bag and are on their way, Jeff packs
like he works in a Gucci store, aligning all edges, seams and corners. (I shit
you not; he uses a shirt folding board). We were about 3 hours behind schedule
but Jeff’s socks we’re color coordinated so as you can imagine I wasn’t
Blue Our dinner |
We arrived to the cabin just in time for a lovely family
dinner, shortly followed by rainstorm that chased the intense heat and humidity
away. The rain was welcome at first, but
not so much when it continued to pour throughout the entire 4th of
July. We made the best of it by playing
games, drinking and grilling under an umbrella.
We were happy when the sun returned the next day allowing us to hit up
the beach, boat and the Blue Our, a great spot located on the Connecticut River,
for a lobster roll dinner.
The following morning Jeff and I packed up the kids and car,
said goodbye to the family and headed 40 minutes south to New London to catch a
ferry to Greenport, Long Island. The
ferry was low-stress, breezy and sunny. The four of us shared a salty pretzel
and the two of us, a cold beer.
Greenport, is a small beach town as far north and east as
one can go on Long Island, generally known as the Northfork. Northfork, unlike its
southern counterpart, the Hamptons, is very laid back, void of crowds and
unpretentious. It’s lined with hundreds
of vineyards, farms, fruit stands and beaches. We arrived at our weeklong
rental, which was a beautifully renovated cape-style house shortly after our
friends arrived and quickly settled in.
Winery with kids |
Drive-thru wine tasting |
Winery without kids |
Early morning pig-pile (notice the whites) |
Introducing herself to a pony |
Views from the ferry |
Almost the entire interior of the house was decorated and
painted white of varying shades, lined with huge glass lamps, artwork and
seashells galore, had two exposed stairways, and a pebble-covered patio. It was
a 9-month olds dream and my nightmare. Visiting the vineyards during
the day, buying and drinking wine by the case helped calm some of the anxiety
this environment caused me. When we
weren’t prying ceramic starfish from Julien’s strong, sticky grip, we were
hanging out on beach or in the ocean (again, lots of prying from tiny hands and
mouth but of less precious, non-decorative flora, fauna, rocks and shells), petting
farm animals, taking walks downtown for rides on the carousel (Colette called
it the carrot show) and enjoying great food and company.
It took a few days to get used to the fact that you didn’t
have to rush to the beach to save a spot in the sand or find a parking spot. This survival of the fittest and fastest
mentality, which we have become accustomed to in the city, has no place in
Northfork. If you have two hours to spare the artisanal ice cream shop down the
street from our apartment is great, but in Greenport, when you wanted ice
cream, you just got ice cream. There
were no crowds, lines, nothing but a really easy beachy lifestyle…hot and
Of Friday afternoon, en route back home to Brooklyn, as the
kids napped in the car ( we stood guard with doors and windows open) we
continued to hit up farm stands that operate on the honor system and vineyards
trying to squeeze every last piece out of the vacation and headed towards the city
After some much needed alone time in Pittsburgh and as my
twitching has subsided, I’m already looking forward to the trip back next year.